(too old to reply)
2019-06-11 15:07:49 UTC
Because Jonas sinned.

By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners, to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the Jews, to whom he was specially promised.

2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life, and man took it not from him.

3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by his death saved the children of men.

4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.

5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed; so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.

Jonas sinned, Christ did not.

and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory

The humility of Christ.

The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.


Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.

A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet

The world is whale.

 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.


It is written:
and the sea did give up those dead in it,


because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind One to see corruption;

There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.

22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me -- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet -- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has

Where is israel of kings
and glory?


The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.



2019-07-07 20:52:49 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Because Jonas sinned.
By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners,
I wish I wuz that purty


Well, both a them wuz purty, in a long eared mulish way,
And they kinda hung together, even if they wuz to stray.
They’z both broke to ride and pack – well, pack, and sometimes ride,
Tho on occassion when they’z fired up, ya could lose a lot of hide!—
breaking the girls to harness, Dewey Matthews
Post by v***@gmail.com
to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the
Jews, to whom he was specially promised.
2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life,
and man took it not from him.
3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by
his death saved the children of men.
4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on
dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.
5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of
repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed;
so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.
Jonas sinned, Christ did not.
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then
shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory
The humility of Christ.
The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.
Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.
A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet
The world is whale.
 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.
and the sea did give up those dead in it,
because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind
One to see corruption;
There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.
22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved
of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did
through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being
given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because
it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me
-- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet
-- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy
Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you
concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his
tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did
swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to
raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the
Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise
of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding
forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord
saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord
and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to
Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has
Where is israel of kings
and glory?
The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.
2019-07-20 13:13:59 UTC
Post by Mk5000
Post by v***@gmail.com
Because Jonas sinned.
By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners,
I wish I wuz that purty
Why aren't dolphin and whales the missing link


Post by Mk5000
Well, both a them wuz purty, in a long eared mulish way,
And they kinda hung together, even if they wuz to stray.
They’z both broke to ride and pack – well, pack, and sometimes ride,
Tho on occassion when they’z fired up, ya could lose a lot of hide!—
breaking the girls to harness, Dewey Matthews
Post by v***@gmail.com
to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the
Jews, to whom he was specially promised.
2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life,
and man took it not from him.
3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by
his death saved the children of men.
4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on
dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.
5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of
repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed;
so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.
Jonas sinned, Christ did not.
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then
shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory
The humility of Christ.
The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.
Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.
A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet
The world is whale.
 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.
and the sea did give up those dead in it,
because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind
One to see corruption;
There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.
22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved
of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did
through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being
given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because
it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me
-- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet
-- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy
Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you
concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his
tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did
swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to
raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the
Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise
of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding
forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord
saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord
and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to
Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has
Where is israel of kings
and glory?
The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.
2019-08-09 00:07:19 UTC
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by v***@gmail.com
Because Jonas sinned.
By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners,
I wish I wuz that purty
Why aren't dolphin and whales the missing link
He's just strolling down high rent fc street
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Well, both a them wuz purty, in a long eared mulish way,
And they kinda hung together, even if they wuz to stray.
They’z both broke to ride and pack – well, pack, and sometimes ride,
Tho on occassion when they’z fired up, ya could lose a lot of hide!—
breaking the girls to harness, Dewey Matthews
Post by v***@gmail.com
to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the
Jews, to whom he was specially promised.
2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life,
and man took it not from him.
3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by
his death saved the children of men.
4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on
dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.
5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of
repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed;
so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.
Jonas sinned, Christ did not.
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then
shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory
The humility of Christ.
The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.
Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.
A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet
The world is whale.
 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.
and the sea did give up those dead in it,
because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind
One to see corruption;
There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.
22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved
of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did
through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being
given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because
it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me
-- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet
-- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy
Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you
concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his
tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did
swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to
raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the
Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise
of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding
forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord
saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord
and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to
Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has
Where is israel of kings
and glory?
The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.
2019-08-09 00:12:43 UTC
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by v***@gmail.com
Because Jonas sinned.
By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners,
I wish I wuz that purty
Why aren't dolphin and whales the missing link
He's just strolling down high rent fc street
I'm pretty sure I am not descended from apes


The one thing they couldn't help him with was the writing, so they REALLY
couldn't help him at all!---The rest was all window dressing---Have you
ever seen an ape in a window in a dress---somehow it just doesn't work
out!—William w
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Well, both a them wuz purty, in a long eared mulish way,
And they kinda hung together, even if they wuz to stray.
They’z both broke to ride and pack – well, pack, and sometimes ride,
Tho on occassion when they’z fired up, ya could lose a lot of hide!—
breaking the girls to harness, Dewey Matthews
Post by v***@gmail.com
to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the
Jews, to whom he was specially promised.
2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life,
and man took it not from him.
3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by
his death saved the children of men.
4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on
dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.
5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of
repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed;
so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.
Jonas sinned, Christ did not.
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then
shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory
The humility of Christ.
The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.
Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.
A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet
The world is whale.
 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.
and the sea did give up those dead in it,
because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind
One to see corruption;
There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.
22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved
of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did
through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being
given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because
it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me
-- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet
-- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy
Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you
concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his
tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did
swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to
raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the
Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise
of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding
forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord
saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord
and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to
Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has
Where is israel of kings
and glory?
The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.
2019-08-18 18:04:34 UTC
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by v***@gmail.com
Because Jonas sinned.
By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners,
I wish I wuz that purty
Why aren't dolphin and whales the missing link
He's just strolling down high rent fc street
I'm pretty sure I am not descended from apes
Perhaps someone coopted the apes and we lost our spies

Or they dropped their cells in manure


A young human named 'Preacher' was one of the colonizers of San Francisco,
until he joined Colonel McCullough's Alpha-Omega Battalion, and now finds
himself with a growing inner conflict during battle with the ape's leader
known as 'Caeser'.

Will he continue to serve his ruthless leader? Or will his inner conflict
get the better of him. (War for the planet of the apes fanfiction)
Galaxy dragon 1777
Post by Mk5000
The one thing they couldn't help him with was the writing, so they REALLY
couldn't help him at all!---The rest was all window dressing---Have you
ever seen an ape in a window in a dress---somehow it just doesn't work
out!—William w
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Well, both a them wuz purty, in a long eared mulish way,
And they kinda hung together, even if they wuz to stray.
They’z both broke to ride and pack – well, pack, and sometimes ride,
Tho on occassion when they’z fired up, ya could lose a lot of hide!—
breaking the girls to harness, Dewey Matthews
Post by v***@gmail.com
to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the
Jews, to whom he was specially promised.
2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life,
and man took it not from him.
3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by
his death saved the children of men.
4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on
dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.
5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of
repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed;
so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.
Jonas sinned, Christ did not.
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then
shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory
The humility of Christ.
The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.
Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.
A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet
The world is whale.
 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.
and the sea did give up those dead in it,
because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind
One to see corruption;
There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.
22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved
of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did
through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being
given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because
it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me
-- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet
-- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy
Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you
concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his
tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did
swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to
raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the
Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise
of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding
forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord
saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord
and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to
Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has
Where is israel of kings
and glory?
The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.
2019-08-18 21:18:49 UTC
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by v***@gmail.com
Because Jonas sinned.
By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners,
I wish I wuz that purty
Why aren't dolphin and whales the missing link
He's just strolling down high rent fc street
I'm pretty sure I am not descended from apes
Perhaps someone coopted the apes
and we lost our spies
Or they dropped their cells in manure
Dropped Literally across the street from me

They forgot mention the sea urchin


Post by Mk5000
A young human named 'Preacher' was one of the colonizers of San Francisco,
until he joined Colonel McCullough's Alpha-Omega Battalion, and now finds
himself with a growing inner conflict during battle with the ape's leader
known as 'Caeser'.
Will he continue to serve his ruthless leader? Or will his inner conflict
get the better of him. (War for the planet of the apes fanfiction)
Galaxy dragon 1777
Post by Mk5000
The one thing they couldn't help him with was the writing, so they REALLY
couldn't help him at all!---The rest was all window dressing---Have you
ever seen an ape in a window in a dress---somehow it just doesn't work
out!—William w
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Well, both a them wuz purty, in a long eared mulish way,
And they kinda hung together, even if they wuz to stray.
They’z both broke to ride and pack – well, pack, and sometimes ride,
Tho on occassion when they’z fired up, ya could lose a lot of hide!—
breaking the girls to harness, Dewey Matthews
Post by v***@gmail.com
to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the
Jews, to whom he was specially promised.
2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life,
and man took it not from him.
3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by
his death saved the children of men.
4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on
dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.
5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of
repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed;
so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.
Jonas sinned, Christ did not.
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then
shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory
The humility of Christ.
The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.
Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.
A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet
The world is whale.
 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.
and the sea did give up those dead in it,
because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind
One to see corruption;
There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.
22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved
of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did
through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being
given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because
it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me
-- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet
-- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy
Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you
concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his
tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did
swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to
raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the
Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise
of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding
forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord
saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord
and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to
Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has
Where is israel of kings
and glory?
The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.
2019-08-18 21:29:57 UTC
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by v***@gmail.com
Because Jonas sinned.
By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners,
I wish I wuz that purty
Why aren't dolphin and whales the missing link
He's just strolling down high rent fc street
I'm pretty sure I am not descended from apes
Perhaps someone coopted the apes
and we lost our spies
Or they dropped their cells in manure
Dropped Literally across the street from me
They forgot mention the sea urchin
Post by Mk5000
A young human named 'Preacher' was one of the colonizers of San Francisco,
until he joined Colonel McCullough's Alpha-Omega Battalion, and now finds
himself with a growing inner conflict during battle with the ape's leader
known as 'Caeser'.
Will he continue to serve his ruthless leader? Or will his inner conflict
get the better of him. (War for the planet of the apes fanfiction)
Galaxy dragon 1777
Post by Mk5000
The one thing they couldn't help him with was the writing, so they REALLY
couldn't help him at all!---The rest was all window dressing---Have you
ever seen an ape in a window in a dress---somehow it just doesn't work
out!—William w
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Well, both a them wuz purty, in a long eared mulish way,
And they kinda hung together, even if they wuz to stray.
They’z both broke to ride and pack – well, pack, and sometimes ride,
Tho on occassion when they’z fired up, ya could lose a lot of hide!—
breaking the girls to harness, Dewey Matthews
Post by v***@gmail.com
to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the
Jews, to whom he was specially promised.
2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life,
and man took it not from him.
3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by
his death saved the children of men.
4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on
dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.
5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of
repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed;
so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.
Jonas sinned, Christ did not.
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then
shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory
The humility of Christ.
The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.
Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.
A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet
The world is whale.
 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.
and the sea did give up those dead in it,
because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind
One to see corruption;
There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.
22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved
of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did
through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being
given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because
it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me
-- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet
-- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy
Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you
concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his
tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did
swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to
raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the
Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise
of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding
forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord
saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord
and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to
Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has
Where is israel of kings
and glory?
The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.
2019-08-25 02:49:56 UTC
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by v***@gmail.com
Because Jonas sinned.
By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners,
I wish I wuz that purty
Why aren't dolphin and whales the missing link
He's just strolling down high rent fc street
I'm pretty sure I am not descended from apes
Perhaps someone coopted the apes
and we lost our spies
Or they dropped their cells in manure
Dropped Literally across the street from me
They forgot mention the sea urchin
Yes thy haven these in dc where I lived

It's part of the public transport system unclear why they
didn't do this all along


The Great Mother, the Adya Shakti, has resolved to take the nations into
Her hand and shape them anew. These are periods of rapid destruction and
energetic creation, filled with the sound of cannon and the trampling of
armies, the crash of great downfalls, and the turmoil of swift and violent
revolutions; the world is thrown into the smelting pot and comes out in a
new shape and with new features. —Sri Aurobindo, in a statement of 16 April
1907, as published in India's Rebirth : A Selection from Sri Aurobindo's
Writings, Talks and Speeches 3rd Edition (2000)
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
A young human named 'Preacher' was one of the colonizers of San Francisco,
until he joined Colonel McCullough's Alpha-Omega Battalion, and now finds
himself with a growing inner conflict during battle with the ape's leader
known as 'Caeser'.
Will he continue to serve his ruthless leader? Or will his inner conflict
get the better of him. (War for the planet of the apes fanfiction)
Galaxy dragon 1777
Post by Mk5000
The one thing they couldn't help him with was the writing, so they REALLY
couldn't help him at all!---The rest was all window dressing---Have you
ever seen an ape in a window in a dress---somehow it just doesn't work
out!—William w
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Well, both a them wuz purty, in a long eared mulish way,
And they kinda hung together, even if they wuz to stray.
They’z both broke to ride and pack – well, pack, and sometimes ride,
Tho on occassion when they’z fired up, ya could lose a lot of hide!—
breaking the girls to harness, Dewey Matthews
Post by v***@gmail.com
to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the
Jews, to whom he was specially promised.
2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life,
and man took it not from him.
3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by
his death saved the children of men.
4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on
dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.
5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of
repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed;
so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.
Jonas sinned, Christ did not.
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then
shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory
The humility of Christ.
The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.
Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.
A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet
The world is whale.
 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.
and the sea did give up those dead in it,
because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind
One to see corruption;
There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.
22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved
of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did
through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being
given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because
it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me
-- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet
-- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy
Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you
concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his
tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did
swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to
raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the
Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise
of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding
forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord
saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord
and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to
Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has
Where is israel of kings
and glory?
The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.
2019-08-25 03:02:33 UTC
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by v***@gmail.com
Because Jonas sinned.
By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners,
I wish I wuz that purty
Why aren't dolphin and whales the missing link
He's just strolling down high rent fc street
I'm pretty sure I am not descended from apes
Perhaps someone coopted the apes
and we lost our spies
Or they dropped their cells in manure
Dropped Literally across the street from me
They forgot mention the sea urchin
Yes thy haven these in dc where I lived
It's part of the public transport system unclear why they
didn't do this all along
Of course it costs less otherwise they would never have invested so much
money in creating the program in big cities

I briefly looked at it and it seems to be connected to the public transport
area since septa does not go to new york and new york does not go to
Philadelphia it is unlikely you could take a sea urchin it to Philadelphia

There used to be a sea urchin right next to my condo
They park them every few blocks where you would find us stops

After you register you use you metro bus or subway card. And it counts it
down off your card


Dennis: Vince, I want your ass in aisle five.
[Grace gasps]
Dennis: And bring the mop.
[Jack gasps]—will and grace
Post by Mk5000
The Great Mother, the Adya Shakti, has resolved to take the nations into
Her hand and shape them anew. These are periods of rapid destruction and
energetic creation, filled with the sound of cannon and the trampling of
armies, the crash of great downfalls, and the turmoil of swift and violent
revolutions; the world is thrown into the smelting poto and comes out in a
new shape and with new features. —Sri Aurobindo, in a statement of 16 April
1907, as published in India's Rebirth : A Selection from Sri Aurobindo's
Writings, Talks and Speeches 3rd Edition (2000)
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
A young human named 'Preacher' was one of the colonizers of San Francisco,
until he joined Colonel McCullough's Alpha-Omega Battalion, and now finds
himself with a growing inner conflict during battle with the ape's leader
known as 'Caeser'.
Will he continue to serve his ruthless leader? Or will his inner conflict
get the better of him. (War for the planet of the apes fanfiction)
Galaxy dragon 1777
Post by Mk5000
The one thing they couldn't help him with was the writing, so they REALLY
couldn't help him at all!---The rest was all window dressing---Have you
ever seen an ape in a window in a dress---somehow it just doesn't work
out!—William w
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Well, both a them wuz purty, in a long eared mulish way,
And they kinda hung together, even if they wuz to stray.
They’z both broke to ride and pack – well, pack, and sometimes ride,
Tho on occassion when they’z fired up, ya could lose a lot of hide!—
breaking the girls to harness, Dewey Matthews
Post by v***@gmail.com
to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the
Jews, to whom he was specially promised.
2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life,
and man took it not from him.
3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by
his death saved the children of men.
4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on
dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.
5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of
repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed;
so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.
Jonas sinned, Christ did not.
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then
shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory
The humility of Christ.
The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.
Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.
A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet
The world is whale.
 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.
and the sea did give up those dead in it,
because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind
One to see corruption;
There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.
22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved
of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did
through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being
given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because
it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me
-- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet
-- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy
Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you
concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his
tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did
swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to
raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the
Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise
of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding
forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord
saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord
and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to
Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has
Where is israel of kings
and glory?
The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.
2019-08-26 02:43:46 UTC
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by v***@gmail.com
Because Jonas sinned.
By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners,
I wish I wuz that purty
Why aren't dolphin and whales the missing link
He's just strolling down high rent fc street
I'm pretty sure I am not descended from apes
Perhaps someone coopted the apes
and we lost our spies
Or they dropped their cells in manure
Dropped Literally across the street from me
They forgot mention the sea urchin
Yes thy haven these in dc where I lived
It's part of the public transport system unclear why they
didn't do this all along
Of course it costs less otherwise they would never have invested so much
money in creating the program in big cities
I briefly looked at it and it seems to be connected to the public transport
area since septa does not go to new york and new york does not go to
Philadelphia it is unlikely you could take a sea urchin it to Philadelphia
There used to be a sea urchin right next to my condo
They park them every few blocks where you would find us stops
After you register you use you metro bus or subway card. And it counts it
down off your card
I know you are going to say you don’t pay taxes but this is a great way to
show your expenses if you do


You kept right on going
All the way thru
You know what? You rock!
I'm so proud of you!—louise hernan
Post by Mk5000
Dennis: Vince, I want your ass in aisle five.
[Grace gasps]
Dennis: And bring the mop.
[Jack gasps]—will and grace
Post by Mk5000
The Great Mother, the Adya Shakti, has resolved to take the nations into
Her hand and shape them anew. These are periods of rapid destruction and
energetic creation, filled with the sound of cannon and the trampling of
armies, the crash of great downfalls, and the turmoil of swift and violent
revolutions; the world is thrown into the smelting poto and comes out in a
new shape and with new features. —Sri Aurobindo, in a statement of 16 April
1907, as published in India's Rebirth : A Selection from Sri Aurobindo's
Writings, Talks and Speeches 3rd Edition (2000)
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
A young human named 'Preacher' was one of the colonizers of San Francisco,
until he joined Colonel McCullough's Alpha-Omega Battalion, and now finds
himself with a growing inner conflict during battle with the ape's leader
known as 'Caeser'.
Will he continue to serve his ruthless leader? Or will his inner conflict
get the better of him. (War for the planet of the apes fanfiction)
Galaxy dragon 1777
Post by Mk5000
The one thing they couldn't help him with was the writing, so they REALLY
couldn't help him at all!---The rest was all window dressing---Have you
ever seen an ape in a window in a dress---somehow it just doesn't work
out!—William w
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Well, both a them wuz purty, in a long eared mulish way,
And they kinda hung together, even if they wuz to stray.
They’z both broke to ride and pack – well, pack, and sometimes ride,
Tho on occassion when they’z fired up, ya could lose a lot of hide!—
breaking the girls to harness, Dewey Matthews
Post by v***@gmail.com
to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the
Jews, to whom he was specially promised.
2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life,
and man took it not from him.
3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by
his death saved the children of men.
4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on
dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.
5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of
repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed;
so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.
Jonas sinned, Christ did not.
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then
shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory
The humility of Christ.
The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.
Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.
A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet
The world is whale.
 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.
and the sea did give up those dead in it,
because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind
One to see corruption;
There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.
22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved
of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did
through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being
given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because
it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me
-- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet
-- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy
Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you
concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his
tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did
swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to
raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the
Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise
of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding
forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord
saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord
and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to
Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has
Where is israel of kings
and glory?
The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.
2019-08-26 02:51:33 UTC
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by v***@gmail.com
Because Jonas sinned.
By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners,
I wish I wuz that purty
Why aren't dolphin and whales the missing link
He's just strolling down high rent fc street
I'm pretty sure I am not descended from apes
Perhaps someone coopted the apes
and we lost our spies
Or they dropped their cells in manure
Dropped Literally across the street from me
They forgot mention the sea urchin
Yes thy haven these in dc where I lived
It's part of the public transport system unclear why they
didn't do this all along
Of course it costs less otherwise they would never have invested so much
money in creating the program in big cities
I briefly looked at it and it seems to be connected to the public transport
area since septa does not go to new york and new york does not go to
Philadelphia it is unlikely you could take a sea urchin it to Philadelphia
There used to be a sea urchin right next to my condo
They park them every few blocks where you would find us stops
After you register you use you metro bus or subway card. And it counts it
down off your card
I know you are going to say you don’t pay taxes but this is a great way to
show your expenses if you do
Another advantage is that you don't have to bring the sea urchin back to
where you took it from you take it back to any designated sea urchin spot


Make it your practice to withdraw attention from past and future whenever
they are not needed. Step out of the time dimension as much as possible in
everyday life.
Eckhart Tolle, in The Power of Now (1997)
Post by Mk5000
You kept right on going
All the way thru
You know what? You rock!
I'm so proud of you!—louise hernan
Post by Mk5000
Dennis: Vince, I want your ass in aisle five.
[Grace gasps]
Dennis: And bring the mop.
[Jack gasps]—will and grace
Post by Mk5000
The Great Mother, the Adya Shakti, has resolved to take the nations into
Her hand and shape them anew. These are periods of rapid destruction and
energetic creation, filled with the sound of cannon and the trampling of
armies, the crash of great downfalls, and the turmoil of swift and violent
revolutions; the world is thrown into the smelting poto and comes out in a
new shape and with new features. —Sri Aurobindo, in a statement of 16 April
1907, as published in India's Rebirth : A Selection from Sri Aurobindo's
Writings, Talks and Speeches 3rd Edition (2000)
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
A young human named 'Preacher' was one of the colonizers of San Francisco,
until he joined Colonel McCullough's Alpha-Omega Battalion, and now finds
himself with a growing inner conflict during battle with the ape's leader
known as 'Caeser'.
Will he continue to serve his ruthless leader? Or will his inner conflict
get the better of him. (War for the planet of the apes fanfiction)
Galaxy dragon 1777
Post by Mk5000
The one thing they couldn't help him with was the writing, so they REALLY
couldn't help him at all!---The rest was all window dressing---Have you
ever seen an ape in a window in a dress---somehow it just doesn't work
out!—William w
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Well, both a them wuz purty, in a long eared mulish way,
And they kinda hung together, even if they wuz to stray.
They’z both broke to ride and pack – well, pack, and sometimes ride,
Tho on occassion when they’z fired up, ya could lose a lot of hide!—
breaking the girls to harness, Dewey Matthews
Post by v***@gmail.com
to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the
Jews, to whom he was specially promised.
2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life,
and man took it not from him.
3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by
his death saved the children of men.
4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on
dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.
5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of
repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed;
so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.
Jonas sinned, Christ did not.
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then
shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory
The humility of Christ.
The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.
Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.
A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet
The world is whale.
 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.
and the sea did give up those dead in it,
because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind
One to see corruption;
There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.
22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved
of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did
through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being
given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because
it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me
-- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet
-- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy
Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you
concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his
tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did
swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to
raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the
Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise
of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding
forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord
saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord
and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to
Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has
Where is israel of kings
and glory?
The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.
2019-08-26 02:58:01 UTC
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by v***@gmail.com
Because Jonas sinned.
By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners,
I wish I wuz that purty
Why aren't dolphin and whales the missing link
He's just strolling down high rent fc street
I'm pretty sure I am not descended from apes
Perhaps someone coopted the apes
and we lost our spies
Or they dropped their cells in manure
Dropped Literally across the street from me
They forgot mention the sea urchin
Yes thy haven these in dc where I lived
It's part of the public transport system unclear why they
didn't do this all along
Of course it costs less otherwise they would never have invested so much
money in creating the program in big cities
I briefly looked at it and it seems to be connected to the public transport
area since septa does not go to new york and new york does not go to
Philadelphia it is unlikely you could take a sea urchin it to Philadelphia
There used to be a sea urchin right next to my condo
They park them every few blocks where you would find us stops
After you register you use you metro bus or subway card. And it counts it
down off your card
I know you are going to say you don’t pay taxes but this is a great way to
show your expenses if you do
Another advantage is that you don't have to bring the sea urchin back to
where you took it from you take it back to any designated sea urchin spot
You can even zip like royalty on a sea urchin


There’s also Operation Genesis, a social network with reportedly hundreds
of thousands of users. Finally, head to TheChess to square off against
players from around the world.

There’s plenty more to do on the dark web, but these sites should help you
get a taste for what the lighter side of the darker side of the internet
has to offer — without risking any jail time in the process.—pralhad javhad
Post by Mk5000
Make it your practice to withdraw attention from past and future whenever
they are not needed. Step out of the time dimension as much as possible in
everyday life.
Eckhart Tolle, in The Power of Now (1997)
Post by Mk5000
You kept right on going
All the way thru
You know what? You rock!
I'm so proud of you!—louise hernan
Post by Mk5000
Dennis: Vince, I want your ass in aisle five.
[Grace gasps]
Dennis: And bring the mop.
[Jack gasps]—will and grace
Post by Mk5000
The Great Mother, the Adya Shakti, has resolved to take the nations into
Her hand and shape them anew. These are periods of rapid destruction and
energetic creation, filled with the sound of cannon and the trampling of
armies, the crash of great downfalls, and the turmoil of swift and violent
revolutions; the world is thrown into the smelting poto and comes out in a
new shape and with new features. —Sri Aurobindo, in a statement of 16 April
1907, as published in India's Rebirth : A Selection from Sri Aurobindo's
Writings, Talks and Speeches 3rd Edition (2000)
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
A young human named 'Preacher' was one of the colonizers of San Francisco,
until he joined Colonel McCullough's Alpha-Omega Battalion, and now finds
himself with a growing inner conflict during battle with the ape's leader
known as 'Caeser'.
Will he continue to serve his ruthless leader? Or will his inner conflict
get the better of him. (War for the planet of the apes fanfiction)
Galaxy dragon 1777
Post by Mk5000
The one thing they couldn't help him with was the writing, so they REALLY
couldn't help him at all!---The rest was all window dressing---Have you
ever seen an ape in a window in a dress---somehow it just doesn't work
out!—William w
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Well, both a them wuz purty, in a long eared mulish way,
And they kinda hung together, even if they wuz to stray.
They’z both broke to ride and pack – well, pack, and sometimes ride,
Tho on occassion when they’z fired up, ya could lose a lot of hide!—
breaking the girls to harness, Dewey Matthews
Post by v***@gmail.com
to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the
Jews, to whom he was specially promised.
2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life,
and man took it not from him.
3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by
his death saved the children of men.
4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on
dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.
5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of
repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed;
so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.
Jonas sinned, Christ did not.
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then
shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory
The humility of Christ.
The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.
Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.
A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet
The world is whale.
 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.
and the sea did give up those dead in it,
because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind
One to see corruption;
There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.
22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved
of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did
through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being
given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because
it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me
-- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet
-- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy
Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you
concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his
tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did
swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to
raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the
Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise
of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding
forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord
saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord
and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to
Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has
Where is israel of kings
and glory?
The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.
2019-08-28 01:22:00 UTC
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by v***@gmail.com
Because Jonas sinned.
By commentary
1. Jonah was thrown into the sea by the mariners,
I wish I wuz that purty
Why aren't dolphin and whales the missing link
He's just strolling down high rent fc street
I'm pretty sure I am not descended from apes
Perhaps someone coopted the apes
and we lost our spies
Or they dropped their cells in manure
Dropped Literally across the street from me
They forgot mention the sea urchin
Yes thy haven these in dc where I lived
It's part of the public transport system unclear why they
didn't do this all along
Of course it costs less otherwise they would never have invested so much
money in creating the program in big cities
I briefly looked at it and it seems to be connected to the public transport
area since septa does not go to new york and new york does not go to
Philadelphia it is unlikely you could take a sea urchin it to Philadelphia
There used to be a sea urchin right next to my condo
They park them every few blocks where you would find us stops
After you register you use you metro bus or subway card. And it counts it
down off your card
I know you are going to say you don’t pay taxes but this is a great way to
show your expenses if you do
One of the reasons I was waiting to order a sea urchin ride was because I
forgot my embezzlement card at home and only had my debit

I try to do everything Internet on my embezzlement card because it does a
better job of giving you a year end accounting

They have abundant food til you get there even without moms


Brian: Here, do you want to... borrow my sweater?
Angela: Thanks.
Brian: Just don't sweat into it or anything.
Angela: Why do you always have to say stuff like that?— my so called life
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Another advantage is that you don't have to bring the sea urchin back to
where you took it from you take it back to any designated sea urchin spot
You can even zip like royalty on a sea urchin
There’s also Operation Genesis, a social network with reportedly hundreds
of thousands of users. Finally, head to TheChess to square off against
players from around the world.
There’s plenty more to do on the dark web, but these sites should help you
get a taste for what the lighter side of the darker side of the internet
has to offer — without risking any jail time in the process.—pralhad javhad
Post by Mk5000
Make it your practice to withdraw attention from past and future whenever
they are not needed. Step out of the time dimension as much as possible in
everyday life.
Eckhart Tolle, in The Power of Now (1997)
Post by Mk5000
You kept right on going
All the way thru
You know what? You rock!
I'm so proud of you!—louise hernan
Post by Mk5000
Dennis: Vince, I want your ass in aisle five.
[Grace gasps]
Dennis: And bring the mop.
[Jack gasps]—will and grace
Post by Mk5000
The Great Mother, the Adya Shakti, has resolved to take the nations into
Her hand and shape them anew. These are periods of rapid destruction and
energetic creation, filled with the sound of cannon and the trampling of
armies, the crash of great downfalls, and the turmoil of swift and violent
revolutions; the world is thrown into the smelting poto and comes out in a
new shape and with new features. —Sri Aurobindo, in a statement of 16 April
1907, as published in India's Rebirth : A Selection from Sri Aurobindo's
Writings, Talks and Speeches 3rd Edition (2000)
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
A young human named 'Preacher' was one of the colonizers of San Francisco,
until he joined Colonel McCullough's Alpha-Omega Battalion, and now finds
himself with a growing inner conflict during battle with the ape's leader
known as 'Caeser'.
Will he continue to serve his ruthless leader? Or will his inner conflict
get the better of him. (War for the planet of the apes fanfiction)
Galaxy dragon 1777
Post by Mk5000
The one thing they couldn't help him with was the writing, so they REALLY
couldn't help him at all!---The rest was all window dressing---Have you
ever seen an ape in a window in a dress---somehow it just doesn't work
out!—William w
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Post by Mk5000
Well, both a them wuz purty, in a long eared mulish way,
And they kinda hung together, even if they wuz to stray.
They’z both broke to ride and pack – well, pack, and sometimes ride,
Tho on occassion when they’z fired up, ya could lose a lot of hide!—
breaking the girls to harness, Dewey Matthews
Post by v***@gmail.com
to whom he had entrusted himself: Christ was delivered to death by the
Jews, to whom he was specially promised.
2. Jonah was willingly thrown into the sea: Christ laid down his life,
and man took it not from him.
3. Jonah by being cast into the sea saved those in the ship: Christ by
his death saved the children of men.
4. Jonah after he had been in the whale’s belly three days was cast up on
dry land: Christ after three days rose again from the dead.
5. The Ninevites, though upon the preaching of Jonah they made a show of
repentance, yet returning to their former sins were soon after destroyed;
so were the Jews within forty years after Christ’s ascension.
Jonas sinned, Christ did not.
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then
shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory
The humility of Christ.
The seal of God as
The Creator of everything.
Neither the beast nor
the false prophet nor
the dragon can interpret
, out of their mouths,
evil spirits.
A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign,
and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet
The world is whale.
 And the second messenger did pour out his vial to the sea, and there
here came blood as of [one] dead, and every living soul died in the sea.
and the sea did give up those dead in it,
because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind
One to see corruption;
There is only one truth.
There can only be one truth.
The truth cannot be corrupted.
22 `Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved
of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did
through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;
23 this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being
given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;
24 whom God did raise up, having loosed the pains of the death, because
it was not possible for him to be held by it,
25 for David saith in regard to him: I foresaw the Lord always before me
-- because He is on my right hand -- that I may not be moved;
26 because of this was my heart cheered, and my tongue was glad, and yet
-- my flesh also shall rest on hope,
27 because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy
Kind One to see corruption;
28 Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
with Thy countenance.
29 `Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you
concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his
tomb is among us unto this day;
30 a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did
swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to
raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
31 having foreseen, he did speak concerning the rising again of the
Christ, that his soul was not left to hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 `This Jesus did God raise up, of which we are all witnesses;
33 at the right hand then of God having been exalted -- also the promise
of the Holy Spirit having received from the Father -- he was shedding
forth this, which now ye see and hear;
34 for David did not go up to the heavens, and he saith himself: The Lord
saith to my lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool;
36 assuredly, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, that both Lord
and Christ did God make him -- this Jesus whom ye did crucify.'
37 And having heard, they were pricked to the heart; they say also to
Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, `What shall we do, men, brethren?'
This is not an orb of ra
a sinner, a human,
a creature that all
know fears God and
always has
Where is israel of kings
and glory?
The spiritual israel
Christ is King of Kings.
The kingdom of heaven is within.