Glad to see the death of a.s-s
(too old to reply)
None None
2010-10-06 08:15:48 UTC
Good morning!

I was watching my girlfriend read AOL(tm) news(tm)' topic of most
unusual pictures of the year and it struck me...

AOL(tm) may still have a newsgroup dedicated to slanderously
slandering them.


I found that it is dead. No more hate for AOL(tm) and it's companies!

Steve Case was successful in seeing that AOL(tm) would be the New
Internet(tm) and spread his love seed all over the old internet.
AOL(tm) News(tm) is the New Internet(tm)'s wave of replacing old media
and destroying the grasp that Rupert Murdoch, Mr. McFeely and William
Hurst have enjoyed for the last decade.

Congrats Steve Case(tm) and AOL(tm) for getting rid of the filthy
perversions of the past and cleaning up the future with pure
unfiltered, uncensored and freedom of the press that we were promised
so long ago, but only see now.

Hope that helps!

2010-10-06 20:47:24 UTC
The AOL(tm) juggernaut kept it's momentum all these years, ensuring it's
ultimate win as the leader of all Internets(tm).

It's a testament to the truth-sayer Andrewmatt that he's here to see the
blossoming beauty of the AOL(tm) Channels as they take their final form. The
glorious, truth-filled Channels(tm) that revolve and don't stop until you're
dizzy. The mighty prophet Steven Case, ex-Lemonade Salesman, is solely
responsible for the mesmerising radiance of said Channels(tm), glowing from
behind curtains across the globe, and visible from many galaxies away.

If only McDougle were here to bask in the heat from these Channels(tm)

Ginger Kevin, Meme Con, Nightfart, Lindella all gave up the fight long ago.
If only they'd taken out an AOL(tm) subscription; they may still be around
to enjoy this fine October 6th 2010. The day AOL(tm) cemented their place at
the top.

Aoll haiol AOL(tm).

Your friend,

Post by None None
Good morning!
I was watching my girlfriend read AOL(tm) news(tm)' topic of most
unusual pictures of the year and it struck me...
AOL(tm) may still have a newsgroup dedicated to slanderously
slandering them.
I found that it is dead. No more hate for AOL(tm) and it's companies!
Steve Case was successful in seeing that AOL(tm) would be the New
Internet(tm) and spread his love seed all over the old internet.
AOL(tm) News(tm) is the New Internet(tm)'s wave of replacing old media
and destroying the grasp that Rupert Murdoch, Mr. McFeely and William
Hurst have enjoyed for the last decade.
Congrats Steve Case(tm) and AOL(tm) for getting rid of the filthy
perversions of the past and cleaning up the future with pure
unfiltered, uncensored and freedom of the press that we were promised
so long ago, but only see now.
Hope that helps!